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Cooking Classes with Chef Nikky

Nikky’s easy cooking lessons so you can learn how to Thai Things Up

Travel With Nikky

Executive Chef Nikky periodically offers cooking classes to Mint Fanatics, the Mintees, who want to know the secrets of Asian Mint ®. You will go home with more knowledge about Thai cooking than you hoped for!


Join Nikky for a life-changing, foodie’s dream trip: The Southeast Asia Culinary Retreat Twice a year, Nikky leads a foodie exploration that encompasses culture, food, travel, exploring new tastes, and finding different perspectives on life, love, and passion. 


Thai Takeover

Learn how to THAI THINGS UP with Chef Nikky!

Register now to win a chance to have Chef Nikky take over YOUR kitchen!

She’ll bring her crew…her spices and sauces… and then she’ll go through your pantry and your fridge and show you how you can use ingredients you’ve already got to Thai Things Up and create a masterpiece Asian Fusion Meal!

Become a Mint Fanatic today and GET VIP REWARDS NOW!