Chef Nikky’s Home Kitchen Featured in Candy’s Dirt
Hey, Mint Fanatics! The pandemic had plenty of us turn into chefs and aspiring chefs, so we’re wondering, how does your kitchen look like? Did you know your kitchen’s appliances and placements affect your cooking?
If you’re a chef, your kitchen is your best friend. Or second home. You’ll find yourself spending so much time within that space that you’ll even consider living there at times.
Candy’s Dirt features Chef Nikky’s home kitchen and showcases how great food starts with a great kitchen. If interior design interests you, check out how they talk about Chef Nikky’s kitchen appliances and layout.
You may also have seen a part of Chef Nikky’s kitchen if you watched her cooking videos. But if you haven’t yet, check out her YouTube channel.
That’s all for now, Mint Fanatics! Keep cooking!