Asian Mint in the News: Meal Kits to Keep Our Sanity
Hey, Mint Fanatics! We’re a couple of months past 2021, but we’re still widely affected by the pandemic. It made plenty of us learn a lot of lessons. In our case, we realized the significant role an excellent meal plays in keeping everyone sane.
Have you ever had a day that was so bad you thought nothing could fix it, but then you ended up eating a good meal, and suddenly, the world seemed bright again? That’s the magic of eating great food. It happens when your soul gets fed alongside your body.
Asian Mint aimed to create that effect. But with the pandemic, quarantines, and many other stressful things we’re facing right now, it’s been hard to go out for restaurant food. Chef Nikky thought, why not bring the restaurant meals at home by making a kit people can easily cook?
It caught the attention of Restaurant Hospitality and Paper City. We are so grateful that they’re helping us spread the word about our meal kits.
We hope Chef Nikky’s kits bring joy to families and individuals alike. Isn’t that something we all deserve right now? We hope our Thai meal kits brighten your day, even just for a little while.
Restaurant Hospitality features Chef Nikky’s goal of feeding souls during this pandemic. At the same time, Paper City reminds everyone that you can mix up your quarantine dish menu with meal kits.
Besides meal kits, Asian Mint also provides Thai cooking sauces, desserts, cocktails, and other beverages. We also host virtual cooking classes.
That’s all for our roundup, Mint Fanatics! We hope you’re keeping your sanity by eating healthy and hearty meals.